Tahoe Ability Program (TAP)

In the fall of 2021, Truckee Roundhouse launched a new program in Textiles and Ceramics with Tahoe Ability Program (TAP, formerly operated as CHOICES). The goal of the program is to train the members and aides of TAP so they can use the space independently to work on their own projects during Roundhouse member hours. The partnership supports TAP's mission to create community inclusion, foster independence, and promote progress for people with developmental disabilities within their community.

The Roundhouse actively designs and funds programs like this to serve those who might otherwise lack access to these kinds of opportunities or face great personal challenges.  We are inspired by this partnership with TAP and plan to build on this program’s success.

Tahoe Ability Program is designed to create community inclusion, foster independence and promote progress for people with developmental disabilities within their community. Tahoe Ability Program strives to encourage self-advancement and assistance in reaching individualized goals. They maximize the time spent within the local community to increase interactions between our participants and other community members to enhance networking and relationship building.


Fixit Clinics


St. Clare’s Montessori Lake Tahoe