
Become a member of the Truckee Roundhouse

Membership is for folks who have previous tool experience and can show proficiency to use the space independently.

Don’t have previous tool experience? Check out some of our great classes so you can learn the skills to become a member!

Seeing is believing!

Come check out the space before you apply for membership. We offer tours every Saturday at 1pm.

Please note it may take 3-6 weeks to schedule your new member orientation and safety checkout. We ask that you be patient and understanding as we respond to all of our applicants.

We currently have a waitlist to join the ceramics shop as a member. Please fill out the application to get on the waitlist.

We encourage you to sign up for a public tour on Saturdays at 1pm if you have not seen the makerspace!

Ready to join? Let’s get started!

Membership Rates

Adult 18+

Single Month $60

Monthly (autopay) $50

Annual $500

Couples (autopay) $80/mo

Teen 16-17

Single Month $25

Annual $250

Youth 8-15

Single Month $15

Annual $150

**Must be accompanied by an active adult member in the makerspace

Punch Cards

3 Visits $50

12 Visits $200

**Punch cards are just another type of membership and still need to submit an application

*Adult, Teen, and Youth Members receive a 20% discount on classes; Punch Cards do not.

  • We are a community of makers. We value doing, making, & creating.

  • We welcome contributions and participation from the whole community.

  • We have a makerspace thanks to the generosity of others. Look for ways to give back.

  • Each person deserves to be treated as an equal, with kindness and respect.

Our Cultural Principles

  • We are part of a shared space where creating relationships is as important as creating things. We engaged with those around us.

  • More than just cleaning up after ourselves, we leave things better than we found them; be it a work station, a project, or a conversation.

  • We explore new skills & tools by learning safety first. We expect excellent judgment when anything isn’t quite right.


We are available to assist by phone during our open hours:

Tuesday - Thursday I 12pm - 8pm
Friday - Sunday I 9am - 5pm
Monday I Closed

Or check out our FAQ

